Then Wednesday we went to pick up our companions. Then we went to write in the ciber. Then went to work meeting different members and investigators. That was weird a little because my companion at first did not say much. I spent the time talking. Then he started talking. He is a great elder. Then later that night, we planned and fixed plans for new years. then went to sleep. Well what a day!
Thursday weekly planning and then lunch. Then a few contacts, then new years which was fun. I should have brought my cable because I took a video of it all. The best part was that we were up on a hill and saw fireworks from the city all lighting up. It was so cool. We passed it with our investigator Monica. (If i wrote Marta please forgive me. I'm terrible at remembering names.) She lives with familia Diaz, which is such a good family. It was awesome spending new years with them. We started about 10:00 pm and played till 12:00 it was fun teaching them to play along with the familia Hernandez. The familia Hernandez are sisters. One has a son and the other, a few months ago came home after finishing her mission in Chile. It was fun passing new years playing Uno with people throwing cards at the wrong time throwing the wrong card etc. just fun. Then well happy new years and we went outswide watched people light up fireworks all throught the city. The thursday we passed as a zone, we played a little pingpong, fuzball, then ate churripan chorrizo and bread with other things. Then for the movies we watched How to train your dragon 1, then, right after, How to Train your Dragon 2, one right after the other. That was cool. Then, right after that, it started to rain terribly hard. So hard that we had to stay inside for a while. Then finally about 1:00 pm we were able to leave while raining a little along with thunder, loud thunder, along with lightning. We would walk, see lightning, count to 20, and then, thunder struck, meaning 6000 meters from where we were. Then it came close to 2 seconds meaning 600 meters from where we were walking. Then we get to the pension and plan then sleep.
Then Saturday first we had a meeting where the zone leaders gave us a calendar and then told us to think of ideas. Then we divided into districts and planned goals and that was it. In my district our district leader is Elder Behunin then the rest in our district is Elder Romero, Elder Lopez, Elder Elmer, myself, and Elder Michel, my comp.
Well after the meeting we left, then cooked with Elder Behunin and Elder Romero and ate Rice and Cheese along with chicken and carne and added tuna to the rice. That was somewhat good. Then we went to work visiting members and more investigators. Well that day was hard because the sun was hot that day. Then we get to the pension. and sleep.
Sunday we had church and we learned about keeping the commandments. a talk from last conference by president Monson. Then we talked to hna Diaz and told her we need to work harder with Monica. Then, after meeting, we had a big almuerzo with our distirct. 13 plastic trays of chicken along with 3 plastic trays of french fries along with 4 cans of peaches and 3 bottles of soda about 1.5 liters each, and what an almuerzo! Then we left and visited investigators, but none were there besides Ariel but he asked to pass by on Tuesday and then we visited the patriarch and shared with him Mosiah 24: 13-14 in which the lord says that he remembers his covenant which he has made with us. and as we strive to remember our covenant he will lighten our burdens. But we need to be of good cheer. He does not want us sad or miserable, but we do need to remember our part and be obedient which is something i learned alot here, and with patience, waiting on the Lord, we will be delivered from our captivity. The Lord does visit us in our afflictions. Then, he began telling us of member less actives with whom we can visit and then we finished with a prayer. The spirit was there for sure. Then we went to the pension and finished the week with 10 lessons. what a week! Well now I am writing you. so hope you have a great day remember God made you special and he loves you very much. goodbye
Sunday we had church and we learned about keeping the commandments. a talk from last conference by president Monson. Then we talked to hna Diaz and told her we need to work harder with Monica. Then, after meeting, we had a big almuerzo with our distirct. 13 plastic trays of chicken along with 3 plastic trays of french fries along with 4 cans of peaches and 3 bottles of soda about 1.5 liters each, and what an almuerzo! Then we left and visited investigators, but none were there besides Ariel but he asked to pass by on Tuesday and then we visited the patriarch and shared with him Mosiah 24: 13-14 in which the lord says that he remembers his covenant which he has made with us. and as we strive to remember our covenant he will lighten our burdens. But we need to be of good cheer. He does not want us sad or miserable, but we do need to remember our part and be obedient which is something i learned alot here, and with patience, waiting on the Lord, we will be delivered from our captivity. The Lord does visit us in our afflictions. Then, he began telling us of member less actives with whom we can visit and then we finished with a prayer. The spirit was there for sure. Then we went to the pension and finished the week with 10 lessons. what a week! Well now I am writing you. so hope you have a great day remember God made you special and he loves you very much. goodbye
love you all
Elder Whitworth
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