How are you all. Hope you all had a great new year. well this week what more can i say a lot of sun called i was sunburned a lot even with sunscreen on SPF 50 which i do not understand. So I learned the sun is so hot that to put sunscreen on once is not enough. The sun dries it all up so you must put on more sunscreen each couple of hours. Plus, my comp told me of a sunburn treatment: the act of placing or spreading toothpaste over the sunburned area. Anyway that was the fun part. Now for the week.
Monday, well, P-day we wrote family and visited people: there was no one there. Then we went shopping and went to work with no luck.
Tuesday we worked visiting people, trying to visit investigators, but nothing.
Wednesday was a day of miracles. We went on divisions with the traveling assistants Elder DeCostanora and Elder Huffstutler. Those divisions were a miracle because the day before, appointments fell and just as hope went down a call came and I was just excited. I went with Elder Huffstutler and my Companion Elder Michel went with Elder DeCostanora and well, as I contacted up on the hill with 10 contacts, we got a text message that my comp with Elder Decostnora placed like 2 baptismal dates and we had just contacted 10 people! None wanted it as we contacted, but my companion finished with 3 baptismal dates and me with 51 contacts with like maybe 1 possible potential investigator. It was such a hot day. The other district had 3 baptisms, which was special and the spirit was felt so strongly. Then we sang the song I Am a Child of God as the missionaries, which invited the spirit even more. Then the next day we had interviews with president in which he announced there will be a worldwide missionary training broadcast. Missionaries all over the globe will be there in stake centers throughout the globe. It will be on the 20th of January, which excites me. Then with my interview with president he helped me feel more motivated to work. He spoke of the importance of faith and how our faith is fragile. We need to work to strengthen our faith day by day. Well that really was a waker-upper or I don't know. Anyway then Friday, we worked and placed the commitment with Monica on the word of wisdom. She really needs help please pray for her she has a hard time to stop smoking. but the lesson was powerful as the spirit testified of the importance of such a commandment. Then Saturday and Sunday was just days with the closeness of the spirit. I learned that as we visited a member and issued the challenge of reading the Book of Mormon by general conference .
This member mentioned that they felt they needed to read the Book of Mormon again, but doubted it. They needed to
reread it but all uneasiness changed as we invited them to reread the Book of Mormon and the confirmation came that this is what she needed to do. and we committed a few members to read the Book of Mormon. The church is true well thats all for today folks so remember god made you special and he loves you very much. goodbye
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