Seems like you are all excited for the news of the week. okay drumroll. okay starting.
Monday we wrote fast because we had a member take us up a cool hill. It was fun. The wind was strong up there and it pushed us so that we would not fall. well the hike was fun because we went as a district and that was fun. especially the part downhill because the dirt was so loose we all fell a few times, but what a adventure. Then walking downhill it was crazy because we asked the member if he went this way before. At first he said yes, so we followed him. Then as we are going through a small town we asked if he knew where we are walking and then he said no. So we were just a bunch of elders lost, not knowing where we were, walking there were loud screams of missionaries in the background as they fell and lots of laughter. Then we finally realize where we are .We go back to the pension and the electricity was out. Not even the fan would work, so we walked to the church, but, before we walked to the church we bought 5 liters of manaos. a bottle of 3 liters and a bottle of 2 liters. then we ate cheese and ham and salami sandwiches. Then playing wallball in the cultural center with no idea really how to play. Anyways, that was p-day and we were hurting so bad that day that when we got to the pension, we showered for a long while and then we went to cut my companions hair. Then went back to the pension.
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday were about the same trying to contact for hours with not much success then trying to visit our investigators Ramon Y Mabel, Silvana ,Louis, Ariel and Monica. We have 2 investigators named Monica, with no success then visiting less actives one Miguel we are trying to help him come come back since he served a mission with no luck. please pray that his heart may be touched. Then Thursday Weekly planning activities for investigators, but plans fell. Monica started living with another person who does not allow us to pass. Please pray that his heart may be softened. Another highlight Tuesday district meeting I taught a class on how to place a baptismal date, and it went well.I was a little nervous but nothing we can do about that just pray and strive to do your best. Then Friday was Called Super Dia Super Day Because it is an idea of one of the assistants who happens to love superman no problem at all. It was a day of miracles. We worked really hard that day we reached the majority of our weekly goals in one week. It was a miracle because we invited a member to join us and every house that normally does not let us in let us in! it was just a blessing. Our goals for the day were 8 lessons 2 baptismal dates and 20 contacts along with 3 references. and this member helped us reach it. we entered about 5 houses taught those 8 lessons 3 baptismal dates 32 contacts and 3 references.
Then Saturday we left to invite members to an activity but that did not go well. Then a service in proselyting attire. of placing cement and putting it in a mold to build a wall. Also Wednesday a service to wire a inactive members new house. heads up i have no idea how to work it. All I know is that my companion knows how to do it. So that was the highlights for the week. We have a worldwide missionary training on Wednesday. first time in history and I am excited to hear what is going to happen. the week finished with 12 lessons 65 contacts and 6 baptismal dates which are holding up but please pray that they can attend church.also that they might feel the importance of it. There names are Monica , Adela, Ramon and Mabel. Monica, and Sarito.Please pray for them. Well that is all for now. Remember God made you special and he loves you very much
Remember who you are
love you all send my greetings to the ward
once again love you all
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