Monday, August 1, 2016

August 1, 2016

Thanks so much . I am so excited to see you all on Wednesday hope that you have a prayer in heart praying for the safe arrival of your son.
may the lord bless each and every one of us.
I love the lord´s work and am grateful for the opportunity i have had  to serve him.
this is the lord´s work i am grateful i was and still am worthy to respond to the call to serve him.
  i will  have the special privilege to pass through the temple  en Buenos Aires and what a joy I have to know that is the lord´s house.
if( you can along with my friends and family that can ) .   before I come go to the temple and pray that the spirit may accompany us as we enjoy this moment to be able to see each other as we reunite after two years of being apart.  i hope that Elder Garcia can come. If not it's okay. I love my savior and have a mixture of feeling sadness  for the family here that I will leave along  with tears of joy of the great sons and daughters of god that I helped bring back along with joy that I will see my family that I left 2 years ago to serve my lord and king.
 no words explain the feelings that I am feeling sadness of what I leave at the same time joy to see my family. However I fear not the future.  For I truly know the Lord lives and loves us all and will always help us accomplish what he wants of us.

 We need to be sincere when we pray. I learned this week the true importance of being sincere when we pray.
I like how Elder Richard G. Scott stated it: "when we pray, read, or go to church,  pray,  read, or go to church  because we want to, not because we have to." So many times I felt I was praying just as a routine cause I have to. Now I think differently. I see it more important to express gratitude and then ask the Lord to tell us what he desires that we ask him and ask for the blessings of others. But there is a difference I have noticed now that I look forward to pray rather than see it as a chore or responsibility. And as I do I feel I truly am communicating with the lord. It is hard work but it is well worth it. The Lords says ask in faith many times we need to trust.  If we do not ask the Lord to help us trust and believe and we truly will receive. I have a testimony that the Lord hears and answers prayers. Maybe he takes time, but he hears and answers our prayers. I know God lives and loves us. May the Lord Bless us all to better pray with faith and help us trust him.
Prayers are always answered we just need to believe he will answer us. He will. I have seen it in my life we need to show our heavenly father we trust him and he will work wonders in our lives.
Elder Scott says, "children of God can do wonders when they feel trusted now we speak of the lord having all power and all knowldege our father who can do all things we just need to show we trust him. we do this as we pray with more sincerity asking for the blessing of others , and praying to recieve guidance from the holy ghost, expressing gratitude for the blessings which he has given us as well as asking things in the name of Jesus Christ. All this with an atitude of doing it because we want to not because we have to. We need to trust him and do our part keep the commandments and covenants  all because in our heart we feel we want to not because we have to.  When we forgive others ourselves, do we do so again because we want to? " That is a good question to ask. Am I doing this because I have to or because I want to?  That is what it means to give the lord a willing heart and a willing mind or broken heart and contrite spirit or give our will to God. It is all part of humility, which I am striving to improve on day by day.  I pray that the lord may bless us to have a better and stronger family and stronger faith and trust in him for he can do all things. May we trust him and always remember him. That we may ask this question: Am I doing this because I have to, or because I want to?  We will. I can promise you that as the Lords representative that we will feel the spirit stronger in our lives and we will be able to recognize the spirit. We will be able to develop a more sure and stronger faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and, if it is according to the will of the Lord,  reach our goals. I promise that we will draw nearer to the Savior as well as strive to trust each other, even ones we find hard to trust because it is a sign of pride if we choose not to trust. we will be a stronger family and really exercise true faith in Jesus Christ the lord desires to bless us
I know the lord loves us with an infinite love that we can barely imagine.
 We are all divine spirit children of our father in heaven. Jesus Christ IS the savior of the world.
I know this is the Lord´s work. The Book of Mormon is the word of God
Joseph smith saw God the father and his son Jesus Christ in a grove of trees in 1820.
This is the Lord's true church and the only true church upon the face of the earth.
This church is led today by a living prophet called by God. I Know that I have been called by God  to serve here in the Argentina Comodoro Rivadavia mission.
I have been called by a prophet of God.
 God has chosen president Thomas S Monson as his prophet . I know that to be true.
I know the priesthood is Gods sacred power to help all his children remember him. I know it he live my redeemer lives he suffered all the pains and sicknesses of all people that we can be reclaimed. he loves us i know for sure that god truly truly truly loves us with all his heart. may god bless each and every one of us be better and develop a stronger faith and trust in him. that we may do what he wants of us and that we may trust him i pray in the name of Jesus Christ Amen

Love You all
Love   a  representative of Jesus Chist called to serve him here in the Argentina Comodoro Rivadavia mission

 Elder RIchard  Whitworth

`` Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life``

July 25, 2016

Honestly I do  not  know WHAT I feel. It feels weird cause i actually do not believe I am going home. This is probably the last time I will write.
 This week we had a miracle 
Pudimos sentir que verdaderamente fuimos llamados por Dios
una persona nos abrió la puerta y dijo que no iba abrirla pero lo abrió porque solo vio luz
luz que viene de la luz de cristo.  y nos conto sus problemas ella se precupa mucho por sus hijos. 
despues testificamos que sabemos que dios esta atento. solo hay que cumplir con nuestro parte. aveces esto es lo mas dificil orar leer y asisitir la iglesia. y a veces no vemos que pasa nada pero hay que confiad en el si hasta dejar nuestro orgull en TODOS sus formas para que podemos confiar aun mas en el. asi paso con esta mujer. y nos dijo pasan otro dia. entonces pasaremos otro dia esta semana. pero en breve este fue el milago y que en un tsunami las misioneras encontraron un hombre en nuestra area y lo invito para bautizarse  y asisitir la iglesia. y milago el asisitio. esto fue los milagros de la semana y ahora escribo el ultimo sermon de Elder Whitworth. por favor espera. 

Jul 18, 2016

Hola como estan?
Este semana fue duro pero vimos muchos milagros.  
Primero hice una oracion un dia y sin decir todo los detalles pude sentir el amor que mi padre celestial tiene para mi.
y sin querer la experiencia de enos paso empeze orar para los demas y senti que verdaderamente que dios esta. que el verdaderamente escucha nuestras oraciones y que verdaderamente senti que estaba comunicándome con el.  y para mi mismo me di cuenta que si sabia los elementos de mi testimonio pero me faltaba creer. pero un dia no see como explicar pero el resulto fue algo muy poderoso .  que supe que dios esta atento de nuestras situaciones y nos ama. se que verdaderamente dios me ama a mi tambien jesucristo me ama. 
El verdaderamente esta aca para darnos lo que queremos pero hay que hacer tarea. asi como no me permitio salid con amigos, ver tele, y mas  hasta que hice mis que haceres en la casa y tarea  aprendi que tambien dios con todas las cosas que pedimos a el espere que hacemos nuestros que haceres. son muy basico orar leer asistir la iglesia ayuno diezmo visitas, leer clase de manual para clase , noche de hogar, oracion familliar, asistencia al templo  estudio de las escrituras como familia y mas. aprendi que la obediencia demuestra a dios que tanto queremos las cosas que pedimos. o sea usted vio que deseo ver tele o salid con amigos yo hice mi parte hice tarea y mis que haceres. ahora otra clave hay que confiad en el señor que el nos va a dar. y si no pedir que sea de acueardo con su voluntad que podemos creer que nos puede dar en moroni dice porque no hay milAGROS SE QUE HAY PERO LA RAZON QUE NO VEMOS MUCHOS ES POR LA FALTa e fe.  es algo que aprendi en esta semana y estoy esforzando poner en practica. y les invito hacer lo mismo alma 37:36-37 dice que consulta al señor en todos tus hechos y el te diriigara para el bien.  Dios dice aca que se precupe en todos momentos en nuestras vidas. hay que verdaeramente hablar con el porque el nos escucha me escucho a mi y puede a ustedes. 
aun que no ha pasado mucho esta semana  aprendi esto que necesito pedir la fortaleza de creeer asi como cocinamos milanesas con aceite hay que cambiar el aceite.  cada ves para que salen ricas y deliciosa asi con nuestra testimonio. hay que seguir pidiendo que nos sigue brindando la verdad de las cosas por el poder del espiritu santo.  renovar el testimonio. leer de nuevo el libro de mormon. pedir si es verdad porque hay que nutrir lo que ya tenemos o se inactiva lo parte que sabemos(Alma 32 ). y se convierta en duda. hay que preguntar todo de nuevo para tener la certeza de que es verdad y si ya sabemos hay que pedir que nos bendice a sentir mas convencidos de las elementos de nuestros propios testimonios. asis que hay que aviviar el fuego de fe y cambiar el aceite para que nuestras milanesas salen ricas asi como nuestro conversion puede ser dulce y clara. asi que demuestramos a dios que verdaderamente lo queremos.  y pedir por la fe para creer.

Les quiero a todos les amo con todo mi corazon.

Elder Whitworth

Jul 11, 2016

Hola como estan?
Este semana fue duro pero vimos muchos milagros.  
Primero hice una oracion un dia y sin decir todo los detalles pude sentir el amor que mi padre celestial tiene para mi.
y sin querer la experiencia de enos paso empeze orar para los demas y senti que verdaderamente que dios esta. que el verdaderamente escucha nuestras oraciones y que verdaderamente senti que estaba comunicándome con el.  y para mi mismo me di cuenta que si sabia los elementos de mi testimonio pero me faltaba creer. pero un dia no see como explicar pero el resulto fue algo muy poderoso .  que supe que dios esta atento de nuestras situaciones y nos ama. se que verdaderamente dios me ama a mi tambien jesucristo me ama. 
El verdaderamente esta aca para darnos lo que queremos pero hay que hacer tarea. asi como no me permitio salid con amigos, ver tele, y mas  hasta que hice mis que haceres en la casa y tarea  aprendi que tambien dios con todas las cosas que pedimos a el espere que hacemos nuestros que haceres. son muy basico orar leer asistir la iglesia ayuno diezmo visitas, leer clase de manual para clase , noche de hogar, oracion familliar, asistencia al templo  estudio de las escrituras como familia y mas. aprendi que la obediencia demuestra a dios que tanto queremos las cosas que pedimos. o sea usted vio que deseo ver tele o salid con amigos yo hice mi parte hice tarea y mis que haceres. ahora otra clave hay que confiad en el señor que el nos va a dar. y si no pedir que sea de acueardo con su voluntad que podemos creer que nos puede dar en moroni dice porque no hay milAGROS SE QUE HAY PERO LA RAZON QUE NO VEMOS MUCHOS ES POR LA FALTa e fe.  es algo que aprendi en esta semana y estoy esforzando poner en practica. y les invito hacer lo mismo alma 37:36-37 dice que consulta al señor en todos tus hechos y el te diriigara para el bien.  Dios dice aca que se precupe en todos momentos en nuestras vidas. hay que verdaeramente hablar con el porque el nos escucha me escucho a mi y puede a ustedes. 
aun que no ha pasado mucho esta semana  aprendi esto que necesito pedir la fortaleza de creeer asi como cocinamos milanesas con aceite hay que cambiar el aceite.  cada ves para que salen ricas y deliciosa asi con nuestra testimonio. hay que seguir pidiendo que nos sigue brindando la verdad de las cosas por el poder del espiritu santo.  renovar el testimonio. leer de nuevo el libro de mormon. pedir si es verdad porque hay que nutrir lo que ya tenemos o se inactiva lo parte que sabemos(Alma 32 ). y se convierta en duda. hay que preguntar todo de nuevo para tener la certeza de que es verdad y si ya sabemos hay que pedir que nos bendice a sentir mas convencidos de las elementos de nuestros propios testimonios. asis que hay que aviviar el fuego de fe y cambiar el aceite para que nuestras milanesas salen ricas asi como nuestro conversion puede ser dulce y clara. asi que demuestramos a dios que verdaderamente lo queremos.  y pedir por la fe para creer.

Les quiero a todos les amo con todo mi corazon.

Elder Whitworth

Jul 4, 2016

Happy Birthday America!!!! Happy fourth of july!!! anyway well this week was awesome. starts with eating sushi in argentina. on p-day- that was fun. and weird. anyway then we ate ice cream at grido cool. the  highlight of the week was the baptism of the hermanas. we had a musical number we practiced and we sang in part I sang tenor. and well words can not explain how strong the spirit was felt. then we visited this less active and well he is praying for his  problem. i have no way to explain, and to make it more cool, yesterday we visited the less active and he showed us the cool stuff of his mission: videocassettes, memorized lessons, folletos, agendas, and newsletters. Then we prayed with him and see he is really trying to improve. He wants to get back the truth. He had a divorce and it really hurt him the many things she did to him, so he is progressing. Anyways, another family we visited and they were hurt for their family that the daughters chose to get off this straight and narrow path and well again we invited them to paray and could feel this strong spirit there. No words can describe the joy I feel, and the excitement that I feel when this member reactivates himself.  
There is power in prayer the gospel is true.
 Love you all 

Elder Whitworth




Jun 20, 2016 Glacier Pics

Jun 6, 2016 PICS

May 25,2016

25 de mayo was cool with empanadas and costumes however the best was from the dances. they brought professional dancers and others shared their talents.I participated in a skit in which I spoke terrible Spanish and I will say later more of that. 
Those pictures are probably the last ones I will have with president.
it was in zone conference and President gave us a present of a temple recommend holder. 
and told us never let us not be worthy to hold a temple recommend. and well I am working on that and well yesterday in church they talked about the temple in priesthood. So maybe it means something ?  don´t know however I am happy because we had 3 investigators come to church. Leonardo came and it was cool.(cause he liked the feeling however he said he felt uncomfortable and well we will talk with him Wednesday),  that is cause during sacrament meeting the phone vibrated notifying of a message and he wrote I totally slept in can I still come? and I wrote yes a a short while later he was there. he looked forward when we come to visit and worries when we don't come. it was cool. 

the spiritual moment  happened this morning was like this video.

and well it was like that I woke up to pray I do not remember how long I was on my knees when all of a sudden a feeling came to my heart and I felt someone was listening and then a feeling like unto a hug. For a long time not counted he nurtured a questioning soul and well this morning a feeling came to my heart and i knew he was there with assurance. I poured out my soul in prayer and the spirit was felt this morning I love this gospel and the lord I feel more with purpose.  I love you all. 
may the lord bless you and
may all your wishes come true.

Elder Whitworth